
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WOYWW revealed

Mom was the word...
Actually Mom and Dad were the words.

It was my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary Saturday and my sister and I had them a surprise party.
I knew there was a slight chance my mother would be roaming the streets of bloggerville, so I wasn't taking any chances....

As you can see I created them this mini booklet card for their anniversary.
My sister Michelle and I along with our husbands and children all signed the back of it.
Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012

Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012

Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012

Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012

So whats on my work space today (tonight actually)
Of course my boy is on my desk....always
He loves me♥

Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012

Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012

Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012

Cottage Remnant Artwork copyright 2012

I thought I'd show you the progress on my window garden.....LOL
Strawberry and Herb.....
Strawberries are a little shy I think....

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  1. The card is so special and beautiful- your parents must have been thrilled!

    Congrats to them, and a great job to you! :)

  2. am sure they were thrilled,beautiful card keepsake
    have a fab crafty week
    kay #52

  3. just beautiful, so delicate and lovely!!!They will love them!

  4. Such a lovely card. Had to laugh at the expression on your cats face, how dare you disturb him :P

    Carmen #109

  5. ...gorgeous card for your folks & looks like someones trying to muscle in & get his own blog! cute herb pots I adore basil mmmm I can almost smell it...homemade pesto!...thanks for sharing...Mel :) #27

  6. Happy Woyww, looks like you have been busy recently, that book is lovely, and what a beauty of a cat. have fun, mark

  7. Wow your card is stunning, how I wish I could produce work that that!
    Helen #141

  8. Stunning card, I love it. Happy WOYWW!

  9. 50 years, how amazing that is. Great card, and congrats to your parents!

  10. Isn’t your furry friend a handsome boy!
    I also have one, BoJangles, who likes to sit very close by when I craft, usually on the table where I’m trying to work!
    I’m loving the beautiful anniversary booklet you’ve made for your mum and dad, they are going to be thrilled with it.

    Happy Crafting!

  11. What a super card to celebrate your parent's anniversary! Good for them achieving their 50th :) Love your puss cat as well, he looks like the boss, lol!!
    Hugs, LLJ #70 xx

  12. Pretty pots in your window and what a super make for your parents. Take care my WOYWW friend, am still snooping, all but a little late! Zo xx

  13. Apologies for being so late visiting this week Cindy but better late than never eh?
    I'm so glad I made it here because I always love to see what you're up to...your art is always so feminine and delicate.
    That cards is beautiful and I'm sure your parents will be thrilled to receive it ;D
    Isn't it wonderful to receive such wonderful surprises in the post instead of dreadful bills!
    Have a great week ~ enjoy! Neesie #7

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I love this card! Beautiful creation! I'm sure your parents loved it! Cute boy too! Like your little "pots"! Valerie #144


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