
Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy December

Oh Where have i been.... my goodness!!!
Well in short, I have in a place where God can work on me..... hahaha....
He had to get me up and out in order for me to hear Him....
Hahaha.... I'm not anywhere weird.... just in an apartment on the top floor....hehehe...

i am finding that Facebook is becoming the new media go to these days.... I have all for forgotten blogger terrible of me... so sorry bloggerworld...

One of the most interesting things that God has opened my eyes to is LOVE....
i have discovered that due to life circumstances (none dramatically terrible)...I have emotionally detached myself from those around me.... i know, sounds weird.....
Recently i took an online quiz of the "languages of love"....the languages in which i receive and give love are Physical touch (not sexual) and Quality time... both things that have been absent for many years....
Now that I understand how i hear love, things make so much more sense....
....and I'm babbling on....hahahaha....
its all good.... God has me right where He wants me....and I'm really trying to pay attention....

while I have been absent I have created a few things, not to much..... I just couldn't find where I placed my mojo.....:)
"Oh No, you d-int"...:)

I finally got around to having my cards printed at the printers...
 I sold these to a local gift shop

I was just playing with washes with this one....
I decided she was Aurora BorEe Alice....hehehe
these were all on my facebook page.... it's scary how easily it is to scoop pictures up these days....
How will they ever monitor copyright laws, i do not know.....

Be Blessed this season.....♥

Cottage Remnant
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