
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Proud Canadian EH!!!!!

Are you a Proud Canadian!!!
Please leave a comment sharing what you are proud of most.
If you'd like to use my Canadian Moose for your side bar, feel free to copy and paste him, just link back to this post please.

Lets see how many Proud Canadians there are who 
love our HBC Winter mits
our warm wooly socks for those cold winter picnics.  
Who love that fact that if you give us a jar of snow, we'll create something with it.  
For those who are proud of our Highway of Heroes 
and who proudly wear RED on Fridays.

For those who love our American cousins
and our European Grandparents.

♫O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.♫

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  1. Very cute! And the watercolor below looks just fine to me - keep going:-) Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. It led me here and I'll come again:-)

  2. Really cute idea for your Canadian challenge!

  3. How glorious! What a great way to celebrate the day. The fresh snow would be sun water where I live, but I love yours! It looks absolutely cooling.

  4. cindy! love it! i grew up in newfoundland - moved to florida in 1970, so i've been here for a long time, but i still miss home! i may have to borrow your jar of snow :) i didn't realize you were from ontario. i love your moose with his startled look - so much fun!

  5. I don't care that it's an older post, I'm in love with mr. moose!!

  6. How cute is Mr Moose. I am in love. I'm an Aussie but my brother lives in Canada, so I feel the connection :)
    Excellent take on the theme for APR.


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