
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy with Me♥

WOYWW #137
I just love checking out all of the awesome Blog Hops..... such inspiration and creativity.
Ethereal Art work
Are you surprised it's another Rose.....LOL♥

I woke yesterday morning contemplating the what-for's and how-to's of watercolour.

As I lay there deciding whether to open my eyes or not, I thought that perhaps with watercolour - at least with the pen and ink- the detail was in the ink and not so much the paint, as it is in acrylics....

Sooooo I got up and after my morning Tea I "attempted" to do another "official" (what I consider looking watercolour....
I giggle at myself....
I worked hard at not shading as I would in acrylic.....
As you can was a failed attempt.....LOL

My name is Cindy and I paint with watercolours as though they are acrylic.....LOL

I'm good with it now.
BTW..... I also L♥VE R♥SES....LOL

Hope you find your style and passion today....It's yours and yours alone.
Create how you were meant to create and ENJOY it, LOVE it....SHARE it!!!!

Have a the BEST Blessed Wednesday you can have. 
Leave Tuesday behind you, and let Thursday happen when it comes....

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  1. Hello Cindy, how nice to find you on WOYWW!
    Pretty little Rose - but how could one use watercolours, without shading? I suppose you can make areas of flat colour, but... well, why? That's what acrylics are for!
    Thanks for the happy words - I hope you've had a good day.

  2. I like to think there is no right way to do anything arty. I love those little roses - very pretty. Such a cold snowy day here - I have been happily sewing and watching the snowflakes fall.

  3. Hi Cindy what a very pretty blog you have. Your painting is wonderful - you are very talented Happy WOYWW Helen 29

  4. gorgeous work - thanks for sharing


  5. WOYWW is the better for your roses! I can't watercolour like it should be done...I need light and dark and I can't get the water to do it. On the plus side, you have no competition from me, there's no way I can draw like you, beauty indeed.


Thanks for taking the time from your busy life to visit me.
I love to hear your thoughts, so please share them with me.
I will try to respond as quickly as I can.
Be Blessed and have an awesome day.