
Sunday, December 28, 2008

How does God speak to you?

Well I hope everyone had a great and safe holiday.

We had a bit of an adventure Christmas day.

I had made my Aunt a Christmas present and wanted to bring it to her, so I thought I would stop on my way to my parents for dinner....

I felt that I should wait until later, but my thought was to do before.

So I ignored my feeling and went with my thought.... DARN!!!!

My oldest daughter and I were walking down here drive way, innocently..... not knowing that the lightly snow dusted pavement was covering sheer ice.....

My poor girl fell and broke her Ulna bone ( bone from her wrist to her elbow).

I am so annoyed with myself.... God was trying to tell me all morning not to go to my aunts, He knew about the ice; but I couldn't see why I shouldn't go to my aunts first....
How many times have we (I) missed God talking to us about something, simply because we couldn't see the sense in it.
When am I going to learn that God does not follow MY DIRECTIONS.....
I wonder how many people there are like myself, who knew nothing about the ways that God speaks to them.....

we are taught that God speaks to His children..... sadly, not many explain how.
I am learning that God is speaking to me;
  • through songs; I will wake up singing a song in my head, very often just part of a song, and sometimes it isn't even how the song really goes.

  • through early morning dreams, (although I can see the significance to the dream, I have not yet learned how to put it into practice)

  • and through that little voice that feels the opposite of what I am thinking.
I think if we share how we hear from God, we can learn from one another....

.........How does God speak to you?????

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  1. With a still small voice, just as you experienced, chickee! It even got me to a friend's house one day to help her with vacuuming before a potential buyer came to look at it. I now listen to it religiously. It's save our lives many times. Sorry about the broken ulna for your little chickee.

  2. Most surely through songs, through my feelings for my children (I remember how he feels about me) and like you said, considering the opposite of what I am thinking.


Thanks for taking the time from your busy life to visit me.
I love to hear your thoughts, so please share them with me.
I will try to respond as quickly as I can.
Be Blessed and have an awesome day.