
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Are you a "NO-REPLY" Blogger

Below is a post of have copied (with permission) from Julie Musil I think it is something alot of bloggers are unaware of....
Please Read.
I would say 70% of the comments I try and respond to are to "no-reply"...very sad.

No Reply Blogger

So, I'm going to seem like the goofiest blogger around, but I only recently learned that if you reply to a "no reply blogger" email address, your reply doesn't make it through. Stop laughing. I know. *hangs head in shame*

You see, I reply to every comment on my blog via email, and to be honest, I never look at the actual email addresses. I just click "reply," type in my comment, and assume that if the email message isn't returned, that it went through. Thankfully, some wise bloggers set me straight.

If you're a "no reply blogger," I want you to know that there are replies to your comments floating out in cyber space! And probably not just from me :)

I was quite flustered by this, so I searched for a fix. If you'd like to receive email replies to your blog comments, there's a way. I'll summarize Utterly Chaotic's great tutorial:
  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. Top right "Your Blog Name" Blogger Profile
  3. Go to top right Edit Profile
  4. Look in Privacy section
  5. Check the box that says "show my email address"
  6. Go to Identity section, and enter an email address
  7. Click Save Profile
Some people may not want to show their personal email address, and I totally understand. If you have a separate email address for Blogger, you could enter that. Then you could forward your Blogger emails to your personal email address. That's what I do.

If you're unsure whether or not you're a no reply blogger, you can leave a comment, and then email me directly at julie (at) juliemusil (dot) com. I'll let you know how it looks on this end.

A "No Reply Blogger" Fix & a few words about "Writing Lessons Learned"

Thanks Julie for the heads up.

Cottage Remnant
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  1. Hiya, You have a cute blog! Love it! Im your new follower, welcome to follow me back!

    1. Thanks....and welcome to my blog..


  2. Stopping by via Inspiration Avenue. What a lovely page.
    Thank you for sharing about no-reply. I don't really like having to set my page to no-reply, but unfortunately I experienced some horrible spam at my last blog and now I have my blog's email protected through a contact form. I don't mind, I actually like responding to a visitor by taking the time to visit their page too.
    Off to browse your beautiful page now.
    Much love,

    1. :0)
      Thanks for stopping by Marcia....I hate spam too....thank goodness blogger takes care of that for me...whew!



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